You can find information here about regular activities and special events. Click the arrow beside each entry to see more details. Events are also listed on our online calendar and some are advertised on Eventbrite.
Special Events
A Maundy Thursday service in the WIllowbrae building. More details to follow.
Gather at 10.50am at the Willowbrae Church Centre for a prayer walk, arriving at the Meadowbank church building in time for the Good Friday service.
A communion service for Good Friday in the Meadowbank building. All welcome.
Advance notice that we're planning a special service to mark the end of our time in the Willowbrae church building. We hope many old friends will join us there as we remember and give thanks for all that God has done in the Willowbrae building over so many years. We'll have lots of old photos on display. If you have photos to share or you would like to get involved with planning the service, please get in touch.
Weekly Activities
Our main worship service takes place every Sunday at 10.30am in the Meadowbank building. We’re using material from the Alpha course and sharing our thoughts with each other over a hot lunch after the service each week. Lunch will be finished by 12 noon, but you are welcome to stay and chat longer if you wish. Read more on our Welcome page.
Our Monday evening Bible Chat group meets in the Meadowbank building. We read a Bible passage together and discuss what it’s telling us about God and about ourselves. Find more details about what’s we’re doing each week on the calendar.
Come to the side door on Marionville Road and buzz to be let in. New members are always very welcome!
Our doors are open every Tuesday at the Willowbrae Church Centre, offering a warm welcome to everyone.
Come and chat, bring your knitting or a book to read, and relax in the warm church centre. Refreshments, games and newspapers are available, along with free wi-fi.
Come to the Willowbrae Church Centre for free advice and help with your mobile phone, tablet, or laptop from Tap into IT. This event runs alongside the Warm Welcome.
Our Tuesday afternoon Bible Chat group meets in the Willowbrae Church Centre. We read a Bible passage together and discuss what it’s telling us about God and about ourselves. Find more details about what’s we’re doing each week on the calendar. New members are always very welcome!
We gather on Zoom and by telephone to pray for our world, our area, and for people in need. Get in touch if you would like to be sent the Zoom link.
We meet every Wednesday afternoon in the Meadowbank building to pray for the world, for our local area, and for people in need. Each meeting begins with a Bible reflection. Come to the side door and buzz to be let in.
The Baby and Toddlers group meets in the Willowbrae church hall on Thursday mornings. Children must always be accompanied by a carer who takes full responsibility for them. Enter by the side door on Willowbrae Road furthest from the road junction.
Cook Club meets in the Meadowbank building every Thursday. We take part in preparing a meal and then we eat together. The session includes a Bible reflection.
Other Regular Events
The Fellowship Group meets in the Willowbrae Church Centre from 2pm-4pm on Mondays, twice a month. See the calendar for more details.
Join us in the Willowbrae building for worship at 2pm on the second Monday of each month. We take part in a short, traditional worship service, followed by chat and refreshments in the Church Centre. See the calendar for more details.
We meet with friends from Portobello & Joppa Parish Church from 7pm-8pm on a Wednesday evening once a month for a joint prayer meeting, followed by refreshments. We pray for our parish area and for the wider world.
We alternate venue each month between the Meadowbank building and Portobello & Joppa Parish Church, 1 Brunstane Road North, EH15 2DL. See the calendar for details.
Every second month, Messy Church runs in the Meadowbank building on a Saturday from 10.30am-1pm. Everyone is welcome, of any age. We enjoy crafts, stories, songs, fun, and lunch together.
It helps us to plan ahead if you can book your space in advance, but you are always very welcome to turn up on the day without booking.
Every second month, we hold a coffee morning on a Saturday morning from 10am-12pm in the Willowbrae church hall. This is a chance to get together for a chat and to contribute to church funds. All welcome!
Enter by the side door on Willowbrae Road furthest from the road junction. Dates of upcoming events are on the calendar.
External Events
Are you interested in being part of an organisation which provides care and help to people in need on the streets of Edinburgh? Edinburgh Street Pastors is recruiting volunteers now to be part of the growing work, sharing God’s love on the streets of Edinburgh.
Our next training is planned for February and March 2025. To find out more, call 07523 267906 or email edinburgh@streetpastors.org.uk
St Ninian’s Marionville Care for Creation Group invite you to join us in reflection in St Ninian’s church hall during Lent, from 3.30pm-4.30pm over five Mondays, starting on Monday 10 March. Refreshments will be available. We will be using material prepared by Green Christian, “Calling a Wounded Earth Home”.